IPS Zoom Training for Photographers who "hate sales"
Learn how to gently sell on zoom, whilst maximising your profits, enriching the experience you provide, recycling customers and naturally creating organic user generated content for your socials.
Overcoming the Fear of Selling-Mindset Matters.
Understanding the Sales Process and Building Rapport with Clients online.
Watching our Sales Process-Watch a Real in Person-Zoom Sale with Me and Holly
Using Social Media to Showcase Testimonials-Allowing Clients to Share Their Experience
How to Create a Rebook/Recycle Process, Building Long-Term Relationships with Clients & Setting Up a Referral System
You're still sending online galleries and feel frustrated with the response.
You say you hate sales. And the idea of a hard sale or an in-person sale scares you.
You want to know how to make your sales process enrich your customers experience.
You want to make sure every customer generates you user generated content-for socials.
Do you want to know how to rebook your customers so that they become a lifelong client. And are proud to come to you to document their growing family.
You find IPS takes a lot of time and you don't want clients in your house/space.