Course curriculum

    1. Overcoming the Fear of Selling-Mindset Matters.

    1. Understanding the Sales Process and Building Rapport with Clients online.

    2. Watching our Sales Process-Watch a Real in Person-Zoom Sale with Me and Holly

    1. Using Social Media to Showcase Testimonials-Allowing Clients to Share Their Experience

    2. How to Create a Rebook/Recycle Process, Building Long-Term Relationships with Clients & Setting Up a Referral System

About this course

  • £300.00
  • 5 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Ditch the Online Galleries and Know your Worth

This Course is For You If...

  • You're still sending online galleries and feel frustrated with the response.

  • You say you hate sales. And the idea of a hard sale or an in-person sale scares you.

  • You want to know how to make your sales process enrich your customers experience.

  • You want to make sure every customer generates you user generated content-for socials.

  • Do you want to know how to rebook your customers so that they become a lifelong client. And are proud to come to you to document their growing family.

  • You find IPS takes a lot of time and you don't want clients in your house/space.

Pricing options

Wanna play in one go it will be the most valuable £300 of your life. Or spread it if it makes you feel good.